Data Manipulation
Data wrangling
Print some words that start with a particular string (e.g. words start with 'phy')
Repeat printing string n times (e.g. print 'hello world' five times)
Do not echo the trailing newline
Copy a file to multiple files (e.g copy fileA to file(B-D))
Delete all non-printing characters
Remove newline / nextline
Replace newline
To uppercase/lowercase
Translate a range of characters (e.g. substitute a-z into a)
Compare two files (e.g. fileA, fileB)
Compare two files, strip trailing carriage return/ nextline (e.g. fileA, fileB)
Number a file (e.g. fileA)
Join two files field by field with tab (default join by the first column of both file, and default separator is space)
Combine/ paste two or more files into columns (e.g. fileA, fileB, fileC)
Group/combine rows into one row
Fastq to fasta (fastq and fasta are common file formats for bioinformatics sequence data)
Reverse string
Generate sequence 1-10
Find average of input list/file of integers
Generate all combination (e.g. 1,2)
Generate all combination (e.g. A,T,C,G)
Read file content to variable
Echo size of variable
Echo a tab
Split file into smaller file
Create a large amount of dummy files (e.g 100000 files, 10 bytes each):
Rename all files (e.g. remove ABC from all .gz files)
Remove file extension (e.g remove .gz from filename.gz)
Add file extension to all file(e.g add .txt)
Squeeze repeat patterns (e.g. /t/t --> /t)
Do not print nextline with echo
View first 50 characters of file
Cut and get last column of a file
Add one to variable/increment/ i++ a numeric variable (e.g. $var)
Cut the last column
Cat to a file
Clear the contents of a file (e.g. filename)
Append to file (e.g. hihi)
Working with json data
Decimal to Binary (e.g get binary of 5)
Wrap each input line to fit in specified width (e.g 4 integers per line)
Sort a file by column and keep the original order
Right align a column (right align the 2nd column)
To both view and store the output
Show non-printing (Ctrl) characters with cat
Convert tab to space
Convert space to tab
Display file in octal ( you can also use od to display hexadecimal, decimal, etc)
Reverse cat a file
Reverse the result from uniq -c
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