Describe the format and characteristics of image files.
Bash auto-complete (e.g. show options "now tomorrow never" when you press'tab' after typing "dothis")
Displays a calendar
Convert the hexadecimal MD5 checksum value into its base64-encoded format.
Forces applications to use the default language for output
Encode strings as Base64 strings
Get parent directory of current directory
Read .gz file without extracting
Run command in background, output error file
Run multiple commands in background
Run process even when logout (immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty)
Send mail
Convert .xls to csv
Make BEEP sound
Set beep duration
Editing your history
Interacting with history
Delete current bash command
Add something to history (e.g. "addmetohistory")
Get last history/record filename
Clean screen
Backup with rsync
Make all directories at one time!
Run command only if another command returns zero exit status (well done)
Run command only if another command returns non-zero exit status (not finish)
Use backslash "" to break long command
List file type of file (e.g. /tmp/)
Writing Bash script ('#!'' is called shebang )
Python simple HTTP Server
Read user input
Send a directory
Fork bomb
Use the last argument
Check last exit code
Extract .xz
Unzip tar.bz2 file (e.g. file.tar.bz2)
Unzip tar.xz file (e.g. file.tar.xz)
Extract to a path
Zip the content of a directory without including the directory itself
Output a y/n repeatedly until killed
Create large dummy file of certain size instantly (e.g. 10GiB)
Create dummy file of certain size (e.g. 200mb)
Keep /repeatedly executing the same command (e.g Repeat 'wc -l filename' every 1 second)
Print commands and their arguments when execute (e.g. echo expr 10 + 20 )
Print some meaningful sentences to you (install fortune first)
Colorful (and useful) version of top (install htop first)
Press any key to continue
Run sql-like command on files from terminal
Using Screen for multiple terminal sessions
Using Tmux for multiple terminal sessions
Pass password to ssh
Wait for a pid (job) to complete
Convert pdf to txt
List only directory
List one file per line.
Capture/record/save terminal output (capture everything you type and output)
List contents of directories in a tree-like format.
Set up virtualenv(sandbox) for python
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