

Arithmetic Expansion in Bash (Operators: +, -, *, /, %, etc)

echo $(( 10 + 5 ))  #15
echo $(( x++ )) #1 , notice that it is still 1, since it's post-incremen
echo $(( x++ )) #2
echo $(( ++x )) #4 , notice that it is not 3 since it's pre-incremen
echo $(( x-- )) #4
echo $(( x-- )) #3
echo $(( --x )) #1
echo $(( x ** y )) #8
factor 50
# 50: 2 5 5

Sum up input list (e.g. seq 10)

seq 10|paste -sd+|bc

Sum up a file (each line in file contains only one number)

awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}' filename

Column subtraction

cat file| awk -F '\t' 'BEGIN {SUM=0}{SUM+=$3-$2}END{print SUM}'

Simple math with expr

expr 10+20 #30
expr 10\*20 #600
expr 30 \> 20 #1 (true)

More math with bc

# Number of decimal digit/ significant figure
echo "scale=2;2/3" | bc

# Exponent operator
echo "10^2" | bc

# Using variables
echo "var=5;--var"| bc

Last updated